Mini Miss Pinkies 2011
Every year I throw a Pink Pajama Party for all my girlfriends which ends up with someone getting crowned "Miss Pinkie". That party is in 5 days which throws my daughter in a tail spin knowing that a month afterwards is her own Mini Miss Pinkie party. As my party tends to be Coach themed thrown in with a little Foo-Foo, hers will be an American girl doll party. I started preparing and just finished the pink party hats for all the dolls. Here's a preview for the Mini Miss Pinkies...
I think I want one too!
What I did today...
DIY digital downloads now available in my shop!
I have tons of DIY downloads in my shop featuring all my hats, noses, etc. For $13 you can get them pretty cheap and print as many as you want. Go to BugandBoo designs now :)
Boy crown cupcake toppers
Wonder woman cupcake toppers
Blue hats
Pink Party again.....
I'm offering a ton of stuff on sale at my shop
These were just listed 5 minutes ago!